Wednesday 17 February 2010


The music featured on our production is from a copyright free website.
We downloaded the 2 'packs' proscores and dsfx.

Proscores had the tension building elements such as Percussion, Choir and Orchestra.

Dsfx is divided into 5 sections:
  •  Impacts
Slams, explosive Hits and hard impacts.

  • Swishes
Thick whooshes & swishes.
  • Drums
Orchestral percussion beds and Build-ups.

  • Ambience
 Background sounds and textures.

  • Abstract
Unique effects like heart beats, liquid sounds and splats.

The soundtrack to our trailer starts when you see the protagonist press play on a CD player. The music starts which is  fast paced and 'techno' which links into the narrative of the 2 girls getting ready to go out. This is also an intertextual reference to Donkey Punch as they used a similar techno piece aswell. There is then a sharp change in the music to add to the effect of how the narrartive is changing, the music becomes slower as it builds more tension just before the murders are shown and the last shot when the protagonist turns around there is a 'boom' noise to add to the shock of what you have just seen. We also thought that a variety in the music used would show were trying to target as wider audience as possible.
We also thought about recording the cast speaking their lines and then dubbing it over the trailer. We would do this by speaking into the portable audio recorder or speaking onto the macs as they have an inbuilt microphone. It would be useful to do this if it was unclear what the actors were saying on the footage but as of yet, we feel our dialogue is loud enough to be heard, which could be due to the boom mic, therefore doesn't need dubbing.

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