Wednesday 17 February 2010


We decided to use Lucy as the protagonist in the trailer as she is a group member we knew she would always be available for filming. We decided if we used a brunette as the protagonist the audience may see her as the 'final girl' type so not to guess the twist in narrative that she is actually the killer. We thought they may relate her to Lauire Strode from John Carpenters Halloween.

Below is the group of girls used in our trailer. There all attractive blonde females which is a motive for why the protagonist kills them, also because in the trailer they are flirting with Theo the boy that she likes. Using 3 blonde girls is a common code and convention as the audience would expect them to die during the film, which they do.

To the left is the male charracter used in our trailer. He was our second choice for our production as we had already filmed previous shots with another boy, Sam, but when it came to re-filming Sam was unable so we decided to use Theo and refilm all of the shots Sam was in previously as we needed more shot variety. We thought that as Theo is a tall dark haired boy the audience may suspect him as the killer in the trailer as oppossed to a baby-faced blonde blue eyed boy.

  • We didn't hold a casting audition as we didn't have that much choice over which actors we could use due to people generally not wanting to act or having other commitments.

  • We based our narrative around 17-18 year old characters as we knew it would we easier to find characters of this age rather than younger or older as we could act in it ourselves our ask our school friends.

  • The demographic of our cast are white, middle class, hetrosexually- represented. However, this doesn't mean that our production doesn't appeal to the minorites as many productions sideline minorites but our still commerically successful.

  • All of the cast have Yorkshire accents however the Yorkshire stereotype of farmers, feilds and rural is not featured. The audience may see similarites to our actors accents to those used in Donkey Punch as they had Northern England, Leeds accents.

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