Friday 12 February 2010

Rough cuts

Whilst filming this clip it was raining and extremely windy which meant we couldn't use the boom mic resulting in the sound being poor.
We decided to take this clip out as we felt having Tom's character made it to confusing for the audience. Taking it out made a slight change to the narrative; were Sophie and Lucy meet Theo and the girls in the bar not a pre-set date.

We originally used this clip to show the clothes being thrown into the air however, we decided to change the angle of the camera as the clothes fly by quickly and it may have been hard for the audience to realise what they were.

This is a test shot of the protagonist. This would have been a good shot to use as it clearly establishes the protagonist, we decided not to use this shot as there wasn't enough time in the trailer for it.

We decided not to use this killing as you can see the killer too obviously stood behind her. This was difficult to shoot as it is hard to make it look realistic without actaully hitting the actress with the hairdryer. Our audience feedback told us that is wasn't a realistic or scary killing.

We decided to film this from behind the protagonist so you couldn't see her face however, we had to re-film as the framing wasn't very good as the protagonists head took up too much off the shot and you couldn't properly see the action going on behind her.

We didn't use this shot as the framing is poor and again it is hard to make a killing look realistic without hurting the actress. Also, you can see too much of the protagonist which loses the narrative enigma of the trailer.

1 comment:

  1. It was a good choice not to show the killer as this leaves the audience with a narrative enigma.
    Also re- shooting the shots with poor lighting and sound makes the piece more accurate and makes what is happening in the film clearer.
