Tuesday 16 February 2010

Final proposal

Teaser trailer initial idea:

We decided to make a horror trailer as we felt we had the best knowledge of that genre and would be the most successful trailer to make. Also, as the horror target audience is our age group (18 years old) we know what works and what is affective. From our research on the BBFC website we have decided to rate our film a 15 as we thought the themes and context could be deemed as inappropriate to a younger audience. Although things like piracy and downloads may make this inevitable, a rating needs to be applied for when it is shown at the box office and for the video store. The source www.sbbfc.co.uk shows the guidelines to which films have to stick to in order to fit into that classification and we also compared it to films similar to ours in terms of the themes language, nudity, sex, violence, imitable techniques, horror and drugs. There is only a small amount of nudity in our trailer; where the 2nd victim is in the shower, she is covered up however it is portrayed to the audience she is naked. We decided to have the character in the shower as it is when she is at her most vulnerable.

The establishing shots are of a brunette and blonde girl (so a binary opposition) getting ready, applying make-up doing there hair, to go out.
They go out into the town and go to a few bars. In one of the bars the girls meet another couple of boys and start drinking and generally having a good time with them. They both couple off and start kissing. There is then a shot the brunette girl leaving the bar in a taxi with one of the boys. They arrive back at his house and go straight to his bedroom, you then see clothes being thrown off in the air but are unsure if its the boys or girls clothes. It is revealed in the next shot that the girl has undressed the boy but he is looking worried and a bit out of his depth whilst she is looking like a temptress. He pushes her off and she leaves his house embarrassed. You then see a number of girls getting killed although it is unsure who the killer is. There is then a shot of the brunette girl close up as she has also been attacked and is crying. This shot throws the audience of thinking it was her who killed the other girls.

We also considered to have a flashback of  the protagonist as a young child seeing her mother suffering from domestic violence from her dad, we thought this could be an ulterer motive for wanting to hurt the boy who rejects her.

After pitching our trailer to our potential audience and filming some footage we decided to slightly change our narrative.
After a few shots of the brunette and blonde girls getting ready we decided to have them walking into a bar and over to a table were 2 attractive blonde girls and an attractive boy were sitting. They welcome over the blonde girl but basically ignore the brunette. There is shots of the brunette looking bored and upset whilst being ignored by the others who are all laughing together. The boy asks the brunette to take a photo of the 'group' leaving the brunette out of the photo. The blonde girls leave leaving the boy and the brunette alone together. The brunnette seems happy at the thought of this while the boy looks displeased. She then asks him to go back with her to her house and you see them get into a taxi and kissing in the back of the taxi, he pulls away and asks if they can "wait till we get back to yours". Inside the house there in her bedroom on the bed. You see clothes being thrown in the air and it is revealed that the girl is sat there fully clothed while the boy is topless. There kissing on the bed when he pushes her off and says "can we just stop". The next shot is off the protagonist looking upset with a voice over of the boy saying " I like somebody else". The killings then start to happen (the girls they met in the bar) first a girl being killed in the shower, second another girl being hit with a broken wine bottle and thirdly the initial girl from the establishing scenes opens the door and is forced backwards and strangled. She cries "why are you doing this?" which links into Scream when Drew Barrymores character recognises who the killer is and Sophie is recognising her as her friend. Inter-cut in between the killings is the photo of the group in the bar which as they are being killed off they are being cut out of  the photo. The trailer ends with a shot of the brunette girl looking like she has been attacked this is so the killer isn't revealed in the trailer and it would shock  the audience as they would have there suspicions she was the killer.
The main challenges this narrative creates include acting skills as it is hard to find people who are willing to help you film your coursework, fit the 'looks' description of the character needed and be able to act well enough for the audience to believe they are that character. Alot of time was wasted during filming as actors would unconsciously flick there eyes at  the camera which meant we would have to re-film that shot as it is uncommon in productions for the actors to look at the camera. Also, time was wasted due to actors laughing during shots at things they had to say or do.
If we had had a bigger budget then we would have been able to use special effects or learn how to make the killings look more realistic such as use of theatrical make up. We used abit of theatrical make up in our trailer, at the end when the protagonist is made to look like she has been attacked. We used dark eye make up to look likes bruises and tomato puree to look like blood. As it is a teaser trailer we thought you didn't need to see all of the victims after they have been attacked so we only used the make up once as it took a lot of time and effort to make it look realistic. We would also be able to afford stunt doubles which would have made the killings more realistic.

Our inspiration for this idea was mainly from the film Donkey Punch. Factors such as a group of youths who are at a bar drinking and the establishing shots of them getting ready are similar to those used in Donkey Punch. We would emphasis the fact to possible investors that a female killer is used as we also wanted to go against the codes and conventions of most horror films. We also thought it would be a good idea to have an unknown killer in the trailer to create narrative engima and draw in the audiences attention to make them want to watch the film.
There is also help to overcome factors that might make filming more difficult such as simply youtubing low budget horror movie tips. Many links come up with other people blogging there progress on there horror film and bad things which has occurred but what they have over come.

Our possible tagline could be 'There's a thin line between Heaven and Hell'

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