Tuesday 15 December 2009

Teaser Poster

For our teaser poster we decided on an image from behind the protagonist where you can only see the side profile of her face. We did this as it brings an element of mystery as you cant fully see her face and are unsure of her involvement in the film. We put the majority of the poster in black and white and only used red as the other colour as red is a signifier of love, romance and death and only having red, black and white colours emphasizes this. The red dress also links into the protagonist wearing a red dress throughout the trailer and our production logo is 'red dress productions'.
        We chose the month December as it is a dull gloomy month which signifies sadness and links into the narrative of the film. It also links into the Christmas theme of romance as Christmas is associated with romance and people going on dates.
        The blog address enables potential audiences to research the film and find out more information therefore increasing there interest. It is also a good way of free advertising.

Looking back, our teaser poster may have been too mysterious for our audience to understand the narrative as there is no weapon used the audience may not link it with a horror genre. They may think it is a romance from the red dress and the word 'date' in the film title. We had also originally decided to use the cocktail glass during our production so the audience could relate from the teaser poster to the trailer. In the end we used wines glasses when the girls are getting ready and spirit glasses in the bar scenes.
Our teaser poster still reflects the narrative of our final cut as the girl featured on the teaser poster is still the protagonist in the trailer and the narrative is based around her.

Stuart Hall's theory of encoding and decoding.
" This approach to textual analysis focuses on the scope for negotiation and opposition on part of the audience. This means that the audience does not simply passively accept a text — whether a book or a film — and that an element of activity becomes involved. The person negotiates the meaning of the text. "

Although, when you compare our teaser poster to the Iron Man and New Moon teaser posters they do have many similarites. They both show only one of the characters faces and only half of the face which we did, there is also minimalistic text and only a small variety of colours used.

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