Monday 14 December 2009

Coursework options

A promotion package for a new film including a teaser trailer between 30 seconds and 2 minutes; with the 2 following options:

  • A film magazine front cover
  • A poster for the film

A short film lasting no more than 5 minutes, which can be live or animated work, with 2 of the 3 following options
  • A poster for the film
  • A radio for the film
  • A film magazine review featuring the film

 We decided we would make a teaser trailer as we thought it would be more challenging to produce than a short film as you have to be able to convey a story-line by showing aspects of the film using different characters and a variety of locations. Also, we have watched a lot more trailers generally from when there being advertised on television or trailers from the cinema. Furthermore, we thought that short films would be harder to access than trailers.

I think it is arguable whether a teaser trailer or a short film would give you more creativity for the production. Although if you look at the short film Ant Muzak and Ben Gregor) and compared it to a teaser trailer Sex and the city 2 Michael Patrick King) Then it would appear that a short film would give more scope for creativity than a trailer as the themes used in the short film tend to be alot more 'wackier' than those used in the Sex and the City trailer.

Definition of a teaser trailer.

"A teaser trailer, or teaser is a short trailer used to advertise an upcoming movie, game or television series.
Teasers, unlike typical theatrical trailers, are usually very short in length (between 30–60 seconds) and usually contain little if any actual footage from the film. Sometimes it is merely a truncated version of a theatrical trailer. They are usually released long in advance of the film they advertise."

Definition of a short film.
"The description can be used to describe any film that has a duration longer than one minute and shorter than 15 minutes. The North American definition also tends to focus much more on character whereas the European and Australasian forms tend to depend much more on visual drama and plot twists. In this way, the North American form can be understood to be a derivation of the feature film form, usually acting as a platform for aspirant Hollywood directors. Elsewhere, short films tend to work as showcases for cinematographers and commercial directors." 

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