Wednesday 18 November 2009



I will be using the camera Canon Wide screen MV920 to record my production.

The dimensions of the camera are:
115mm in length
92mm in height
49mm in width
0.38 kg in weight
LCD screen 2.7 inches

Key features:
Auto White Balance
Manual Brightness/Contrast Settings
Multiple features to change lighting to day/night settings
25x optical zoom
Built in microphone

-During our filming we altered the settings of the camera to night mode as we were filming in the dark and thought it would pick up the light better then if it was on auto settings.

Boom Mic.

Throughout our production we will also be using a boom mic. This will make things alot easier than last years coursework as we will be able to have shots with dialogue were the protagonists aren't in a close proximity of the camera but the boom mic will be able to pick up the audio. This will mean we will be able to have more of a variety of shots.

We will also be using a tripod during filming as they are very useful for keeping the camera steady. The tripod we will be using has expandable legs therefore we can change the height of the camera depending on what shot we are achieving. The tripod's are also able to tip the camera to the side creating a dutch angle. Overall, the tripods make filming alot easier by being able to get a steady shot of whatever we want.

Once we have filmed our production we will upload to the Mac computers were we will edit our trailer on imovie06 and Final cut.
Digital Still cameras.
We used digital still camera during our production when the protagonist takes a photo of the group of boys and girls in the bar. We also used the cameras to take photos of the cast to put on our blogs to make it easier to compare our cast to real film productions. We found the cameras simple and easy to use as we have used them many times before.

Portable audio recorder.
We used the audio recorder to record our podcast as we only needed to have the audio and they were simple to upload onto our blogs.
If the audio from our production wasn't clear or loud enough we could use this to re-record our cast speaking their lines and then dub it over our trailer.
External hard drives/ Portable drive.
Having an external hard drive made it easier to share files between the group as one of you could save a file on the external hard drive and then link it up to another computer and open the file on that computer so you didnt have to disturb the original person if they were working on that computer. It also meant the files we were using were backed up.

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