Friday 27 November 2009

Costume, Props Location

The killer will be dressed in a red, tight dress; this has a poly-semic reading as red can be a signifier of love which fits into the narrative but equally a signifier of blood and death which is
anchorage for the genre of the film. She will be wearing stiletto heels to portray a sexy image and help to draw in a male audience. However. she will be wearing less make up than the blonde character which helps to emphasize the binary oppositions between the two.
The other female character within the trailer will be por
trayed as a stereotypical blonde, this will be shown by being sexually available and effective costume such as obvious makeup and revealing clothes.
Both male characters will be dressed smart-casual in jeans and a shirt. We feel this fits in with the mise-en-scene of the locations as the one of them is in a popular, classy bar.
Both characters are trendy looking and would engage the interest from a female audience. Male audiences would also be able to relate to the characters as they are your stereotypical boy next door.
The 3 victims, will only play a minor part in  the trailer. However, all 3 girls will be attractive and made to seem sexually available which is the main motivation for the killings.
This will be shown by the first victim will be wearing a red dressing gown as she is drying her hair, this gives theallusion that she is naked underneath the dressing gown. The red dressing gown is an important part of the scene as the colour red represents death (which is shortly about to happen to her) and it also represents love (which can coincide with the relationship she is having with the male protagonist). The second victim will only be se

en in the shower which is a inter-textual reference to the Grudge as Sarah Michelle Gellar is attacked in the shower. There is a similarity between Sarah Michelle Gellar and the 2nd victim as they are both attractive blonde females which will appeal to our target audience as the majority of people that watch horrors are male.  As she is onl
y seen in the shower this makes her seem sexually available to the audience and interpretated as a motive for being killed. The final girl will be attacked whilst wearing a tight top and a mini skirt. Again, going along which the trend of appearing sexually available.


We chose the props that we will be using in our film specifically to represent and signify different things.
 The first prop that will be used is a red hairdryer. We chose this object as the red signifies blood and death and also links into the killers red dress. We initially wanted to have the victim
in the bath and the hair dryer being dropped into the bath so the victim is electrocuted. However, after thinking of different ways in which we could do this safely we deemed it to dangerous and changed the idea.
We are now going to show  the first victim drying her hair with the hair dryer
 and then the killer appears behind her and hits her over the head with it.

The second prop we are going to use is a knife. We chose this as our genre research has told us that this is a
common weapon to use as it is represents a phallic object. This also ties into the narrative as the victims are being killed due to the protagonists jealousy over the relationships the girls have with the boy that she likes.
The final prop that we will use is a bottle of
 wine which will be smashed over the 3rd victims head by the protagonist. We decided to use this object as its  stereotypically a woman's drink, and in the opening of the trailer the protagonist and her blonde friend are drinking the wine which helps set up the narrative. To film this scene the lighting we used was a car's headlights. We had already planned to do this as the street we filmed it on had no street lights so the cars headlights is the only source of light.

All of the props will be used by the female protagonist as she believes that they are seeing they boy she likes.

The first rooms which includes the girls getting ready, will have pink featured in it so to connote it is a females room. this will include things like pink bedding and decoration. Make up and hair straighteners will also be visible for anchorage.
The bar thats used will be a up-market classy bar which appeals to the target audience (15 -24).
The location of the house is in a rural area which connotes loneliness and vulnerability which is visible to the audience as the taxi is driving down the road. This will lead to the audience to assume that the girl is the vulnerable character however, this is not the case.

The house is a inter-textual to the house in Scream as it is a middle-class detached house with lots of large glass windows and painted white. This will also bring in a middle class audience as they can relate to the house. As the house is painted white, it connote the male characters innocence and purity as he is a virgin. The amount of glass used in the house anchors the vulnerability of the characters as they are more exposed to danger.
The male characters bedroom will be signified by a stereotypical male posters such as boys toys and movie posters, if the commutation test was applied here it would fit as the posters don't include female nudity which is stereotypical of a 18 year old boy. This is anchorage for him being a virgin and 'not interested' in woman. It also sets up for him turning the main girl character down. At first we considered to have the bedroom messier than the girls room however, we decided the bedroom will be neater than expected of an 18 year old, this connote he is less of a lads lad than initially thought by the audience from the scenes in the bar earlier.

  • N.B.   However, after we filmed our trailer we decided it would be simpler and easier for the audience to understand if the main boy and girl went back to the girls house which was previously featured in the trailer.
  • We decided to only have one male character in the trailer to avoid confusion of what the role of the other boy was.
  • We removed the hair dryer killing as it didnt look realistic and replaced it with somebody being strangled.

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