Friday 25 September 2009

Initial idea

My initial idea:
A group of teenage boys and girls go camping on a dark moor in the middle of nowhere. They stay up all night drinking and then start to experiment with a variety drugs. After a while, they start hallucinating and becoming paranoid, the side effects from the drugs, about what they can see and hear outside the tent. A small group go investigate and leave the majority behind but they find it funny to play jokes on the rest of there friends. The group left in the tent are scared for the others out looking, not knowing its actually them playing the pranks, so they split up into groups and head out. Still influenced by the drugs, all the groups are becoming scared as there out in the dark and cant properly see what's going on around them. They find a body but cant identify who it is or whats happened to her as its so dark, they all start suspecting each other so tension and arguments begin to arise within the group. Throughout the film as the drugs are having a stronger effect and taking over the shots are increasingly from point of views so you don't know if its real life or hallucinating.


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