Sunday 31 January 2010


Our film links into Todorovs theory of having a state of equilibrium(where the protagonist goes on a date with the antogonist and is happy) and disequilibrium( where the protagonist realises the antogonist is seeing another girl) However, a new equilibrium isn't reached as it is only a teaser trailer therefore the audience will have to wait to see the film to see if one is created.

Karl Marx said that the dominant ideologies within the horror genre is a male killer. However, our production doesn't follow this stereotype but this doesn't mean the genre isnt anchored in other ways such as repetitive deaths and a youth cast.

Friday 29 January 2010

Intertextual references

Throughout our trailer there are many intertextual references. They are used as they create links in our audiences mind to other films which they have seen and enjoyed resulting in them enjoying our film more.
There are many intertexual references to Donkey Punch we did this because Donkey Punch is a successful low budget British film.
The first intertextual reference is when the protagonist is shaving her legs and cuts herself where there is blood. This links into Donkey punch when the final girl, who is also a brunette, shaves her armpits and cuts herself. This sets up what is going to follow in the film and the blood is used as a taster of what is yet to come.

There is also a sequence of shots where you see the 2 main girl characters getting ready to go out by applying make up and drinking. As they are drinking it makes the audience feel uneasy as they presume it will be the female characters who die and if they are drunk it makes them more vulnerable and out of control of there body.

The music we have used in our production also links into Donkey punch as at first its upto date, common techno music which is being played while the girls are getting ready, this also makes the audience get in the mood to go out as it is something that you would expect to hear in a club. The music then drops to a slower pace and is a contrast the initial music as it is a more serious tone. This gives anchorage to the audience that the killings are about to happen.

The second victim will only be seen in the shower which is a inter-textual reference to the Grudge as Sarah Michelle Gellar is attacked in the shower. There is a similarity between Sarah Michelle Gellar and the 2nd victim as they are both attractive blonde females which will appeal to our target audience as the majority of people that watch horrors are male. As she is only seen in the shower this makes her seem sexually available to the audience and interpretated as a motive for being killed.
Initially, the audience may see the brunette protagonist as a 'final girl' character similar to Laurie Strode in Halloween as she is in control of most situations she is in during the trailer as she is the confident character who is pressurising Sam to come back to her house. We decided to use a brunette protagonist as this is used in many films such as Megan Fox in Jennifers body (Karyn Kusama 2009) as it gives the impression of a powerful and intimidating character which is how we wanted our antogonist to be portrayed.

The identity of the killer is unknown however, the male character is suspected which is similar to Billy Loomis in Scream. The last killing where the blonde female dies has an inter-textual reference to Scream as Drew Barrymoore recognizes the killers face and asks 'why are you doing this?'.

In the introductory shots where the girls are getting ready the shot where the protagonist is applyling her lipstick, the framing is an intertextual link to The Shining (Stanley Kubrcik 1980) where Johnny says "Heres Johnny" it is similar as they are both dutch angles. This signifes that the protagonist may have a psychotic streak like Jack Nicholsons character.

As the killer is unknown this links to the film Dressed to Kill (Brain De Palma 1980) as you are unaware of who the killer is for the majority of the film.

June exam topics

1a. Analyse your productions with reference to one or two specific production practices

Digital Technology


Research and Planning


Using Conventions from real media texts

1b. Candidates select one production and evaluate it in a relation to a media concept





Media Language